Romanian trails, hiking in romania, biking in romania, discover the wild Carpathia Anunţ Diverse din Sibiu

Imagine anunţ Romanian trails, hiking in romania, biking in romania, discover the wild Carpathia

Through the Wormhole

Having witness for the first time the birth of an animal, in a poorly petroleum-illuminated barn, surrounded by ancient wooden tools, I realized time travel is possible. All you need are travelling companions, some bikes, a guide and a trip through Wurmloch (Wormhole – the Valea Viilor village). Though the general theory of relativity doesn’t accept time travel at low speeds, you will see that in Romania all is relative.
Such a trip to Wurmloch must begin in Medias (Mediasch), a small town in the heart of Transylvania. Consumed by infernal traffic at mid day and the continuous excavations for the new sewage system, supported through the Regio funding, the city transforms itself at night: it becomes the hundred years old Civitas Mediensis. The street lamps light up the medieval streets, the small coffee shops’ in the town square come to life and the towers of the old citadel become the main attraction of the evening.
Travelling through a wormhole is unstable so we cannot linger too long in Medias. The dawn of the next day must guide our way to Wurmloch.
The fortified church in Valea Viilor (Wurmloch) is the oldest relic here, a witness to the evolution of Saxon civilization. It still dominates the center of the village, much like six centuries ago, when it used to represent a religious center and as defense against nomadic populations.
Nowadays, the cows still come back from grazing every evening and find their way to the homes they belong to; the gentle hills that guard the village hide several sheepfolds that supply the surroundings with delicious dairy produced by the locals. The people divide their lives between the land and their homes. During this journey back in time, you’ll discover that all of these are landmarks of history unfolding in front of your eyes.
Since you are on an “experimental” journey, you must find out things for yourself. One of the theories you can try out is the one according to which a bed made of hay gives the most relaxing sleep. A welcoming barn full of it will be supplied for this purpose. Smoking is strictly prohibited up there, of course.
After sleeping in a barn, you will probably become accustomed to the early wakeup calls uttered by the village roosters and dogs, so you will be pleased to rise and continue the journey to Motis village (Mortesdorf), after a delicious breakfast. The same historical atmosphere will persist, with the colorful houses as landmarks of the passing of time. The old fortified church, a little smaller than the one in Valea Viilor, will open her gates and tell you her 600 year old story.
The next step will take us deeper in time, to an almost abandoned village, Moardas (Mardisch). On the way, there’s a good chance to run into some wildlife: deers, foxes, falcons, eagles or squirrels. Not to worry, they are just as scared of you. If you are in for more dangerous thrills, there is always the option to visit Brasov and watch the urban bears attacking the public garbage containers. You only need a camera ready for these amateur entertainers.
Reaching Moardas, we’ll face the old fortified church on a hill, located also in the center of the village. The parochial house lies in ruins next to it. Several projects for the renovation of both buildings were started, but somehow, they did not manage to finalize. We hope to raise awareness about the destruction of these monuments with our touristic project.
Travelling by bike, at low speed, you’ll lose track of time. You will find yourself ending your trip in a very fashionable salty bath resort. Bazna village (Baassen) is renowned for its salt water and mud. The village has a fortified church that holds many legends, that, if you are still up to it. This is the best place to wash away the dirt and the dust of the road and readapt to city life through the internet connection and the opportunity to recharge your electrical batteries.
The fortified churches of the isolated villages in Transilvania guard the wonders of an eternal way of life and the experience of the truly essential things, something which cannot be found so easily nowadays. Maybe you will not get the chance to witness a birth, but you will definitely uncover many other events to benefit from.
Just keep in mind the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Categorie: Diverse
Locaţie: Sibiu
Tip: Ofertă
Data publicării: 12.04.2012, 09:18

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