Romanian private detectives Anunţ Prestări servicii din Bucureşti was created to help out foreigners who need the services of a private detective or a private detective agency from romania.
This website will show the potential customers how the romanian detective agencies work and what they can or cant do.
during the communist era, all private activities were prohibited, so for almost 50 years romania didnt have any kind of private detective or security agencies. After the 1989 revolution the romanian market was flooded with a large number of private security agencies who also provided private detective services. These companies were owned and had in their management former romanian military employees (secret services, army, police) who used their connections and status to obtain contracts. this is the reason for which many foreign
this is the reason for which many foreigners doubt the quality of security and detective services from romania, the fact that apart from the real professionals, the obese romanian military structures had a lot of people who were not trained and didnt have any kind of intelligence experience. things have changed dramatically after the wild 90s period, foreign private security agencies opened branches in romania, competing with the local companies, the 329/2003 law was made to give a legal status for the detective agencies and romanian private detectives in general. The law made it illegal for the security companies to provide detective services and stated that all romanian private detectives and agencies need to be licensed by the romanian police. private detectives from bucharest, constanta, cluj and other major romanian cities started to open their own detective agencies and individual cabinets according to the 329/2003 law. Today foreigners should not fear using a romanian detective agency if they need this type of services, as long as the agency is licensed by the romanian police.
I hope that this website will give you an idea of how the detective business works in romania.

Locaţie: Bucureşti
Tip: Ofertă
Data publicării: 15.06.2011, 13:15

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