Minolta Dynax 3000 i - SLR Anunţ Foto şi video din Arad
Minolta Dynax 3000 i - SLR * Made in Japan - Pret 125 lei
Aparatul se afla in perfcta stare de functionare.
An entry level camera, exposure mode was program AE only, with a High-speed program option, no Creative
Expansion Card support. An even more basic Maxxum, this camera was basically for the point-and-shoot user
that wanted a system slr camera with interchangeable lenses and more powerful flashes, but didn't want the
features on, or didn't want to pay for, the 5000i, 7000i, 8000i cameras. Most pros and amateurs alike consider
this model to be the most useful and rugged Maxxum (Japan made model only) ever made.
It is also the most durable. A lot of pros carry one as an emergency spare.
Tel 0721116026 - 0742682117