Fresh Fertile Parrots Eggs And Baby Parrots For Sale Anunţ Animale de companie > Păsări din Alba > Câmpeni

Imagine anunţ Fresh Fertile Parrots Eggs And Baby Parrots For Sale

have available fresh candle tested fertile parrot eggs and parrots.
we are avian breeders and we are specialized in the sales of candle
tested fertile parrot eggs . we sell incubated parrot eggs of the below
mention species for exotic birds and is our price listings per fertile egg .
all our parrots are weaned and hand fed well socialized and have high talking
abilities. we have them ranging from 3 months to 4 years old. each bird comes
along with a cage and health guarantee. this is your chance to own a beautiful
parrot. we are world wide shippers and we ship on door bases.
we have the following species and their subspecies available now

Congo African Grey eggs
Timneh Grey eggs
Umbrella Cockatoo eggs
Palm Cockatoo eggs
Goffin Cockatoo eggs
Gallah Cockatoo eggs
Blue and Gold Macaw eggs
Scarlet Macaw eggs
Greenwing Macaw eggs
Hyacinth Macaw eggs
Sollomons Island Eclectus eggs
Dyh Amazon eggs
Toco Toucan eggs
Cockatiel eggs
Senegal eggs
African Ringneck Dove

Below is a list of Parrots we have for sale:

-Hyacinth macaws
-Blue & Gold Macaws
-Scarlet Macaws
-African Greys
-Rose Breasted Cockatoos
-Moluccan Cockatoos
-Black palm cockatoos
-Double Yellow Headed Amazon
-Yellow Nape Amazon
-Blue Front Amazon

we can guarantee full supply and perfect delivery for
this species of parrot eggs that we have. we deliver in
incubators and provide after sales services to first time buyers.
if interested in healthy baby birds contact us for more..
( or call us at +63 9053469410

Locaţie: Alba > Câmpeni
Tip: Ofertă
Data publicării: 11.10.2018, 05:44

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