Buy business wines in Romania, Odobesti, Jaristea (headquarters+vineyards+terrain+forest) Anunţ Afaceri din Vrancea > Odobeşti
Buy business wines in Romania, Odobesti, Jaristea (headquarters+vineyards+terrain+forest),
consisting of:
1-Headquarters made of brick 1 level of 48 square meters (sqm) consisting of:
*1.1-Bureau=12,40 sqm;
*1.2-Hall=7,60 sqm;
*1.3-Bureau=11 sqm;
*1.4-Bureau=8,70 sqm;
*1.5-Cuisine=5,30 sqm;
*1.6-Covered terrace (closable)=3sqm;
*1.7-The Cellar=10 sqm.
2-Shed, cellar=44 sqm (glued back side of the house + a). Warehouse is equipped with all utensils manufactured and stored wine in oak barrels in volume of 14,000 liters.
3-Court (including the house)=500 sqm (fruit trees);
4-Garden+living attached to the back yard=400 sqm (living+trees+vegetable garden);
5- Terrain at 100 m from the house=2600 square meters;
6- Terrain at 9 km from the house=7400 square meters;
7-Deciduous forest at ~ 5 km from the house=5800 square meters;
8-Vineyard at 110 m from the house=2000 sqm (with noble grapes Merlot);
9-Vineyard at 50 m from the house=2300 sqm (with noble grapes Sauvignon blanc);
10-Vineyard at 1 km from the house=3000 sqm (with noble grapes Aligoté);
11-Vineyard at 2 km from the house=4000 square meters (with noble grapes Chasselas).
Price = 75.000 Eur. * Tel: 0040745145447; * Mail: